Group Classes

STAR Puppy

FOR: Puppies from 8 weeks to 5 months of age. All breeds/mixes.
PREREQUISITE: Veterinarian paperwork showing that both DHPP “puppy shots” (Distemper/Parvo/Para) have begun and a clean fecal. Please, if you give your puppy the nasal Bordetella vaccination, it must be given AT LEAST 10 days BEFORE your puppy attends a group class.
LENGTH: 7 weeks
COST: $237 for 7 weeks of classes
DESCRIPTION: STAR stands for Socialization, Training, Activity, and Responsibility. This class is designed to provide a great start for you and your puppy! The class will include moderated puppy play time as well as basic commands including: focus, sit, down, come, stay, politely walking on a leash, politely meeting people, and the oh-so-important leave-it.
EARN: Your puppy can earn the AKC’s national STAR Puppy award!   

NEW CLASS BEGINS:  January 14, 2025 – Tuesdays at 7:00pm   <—- class dates: January 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25

NEW CLASS BEGINS:  February 23, 2025 – Sundays at 4:00pm   <—- class dates:  February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6, 14


  Sign Up for “STAR Puppy”


FOR:  Dogs 6 months of age and older who have never taken a class.  This class is not for dogs who react to other dogs – dog reactivity is the focus of the Reactive-to-Rover class.
PREREQUISITE:    Veterinarian paperwork showing that negative fecal, Rabies, and DHPP(Distemper/Parvo/Para) are up-to-date.  Kennel Cough (Bordetella vaccination) not required, if given,  must be given AT LEAST 10 days prior to group class. 
LENGTH:  7 weeks
COST:  $267 for 7 weeks
DESCRIPTION:  This class is designed for dogs who want to take the Canine Life and Social Skills classes or just need a basic foundation.  Dogs will learn focus, sit, down, come, stay, and loose-leash walking, take it, leave it, drop it, and impulse control.  


NEW CLASS BEGINS:  January 14, 2025 – Tuesdays at 8:00pm   <—- class dates: January 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25

IF YOU ENCOUNTER AN ISSUE REGISTERING FOR CLASS, EMAIL MB@WAGGINGTAILACADEMY.COM TO BE MANUALLY REGISTERED                                                                                       

Sign Up for “Undergrad”


FOR:  Dogs who have completed STAR Puppy or Undergrad.  Or permission of instructor after evaluation.
PREREQUISITE:  Veterinarian paperwork showing that negative fecal, Rabies, and DHPP(Distemper/Parvo/Para) are up-to-date.  Kennel Cough (Bordetella vaccination) not required, if given,  must be given AT LEAST 10 days prior to group class. 
MATERIALS REQUIRED:  Dog bed, mat or rug.  Food bowl.  6’ flat (non-retractable) leash.  Lots of soft and smelly treats.
LENGTH:  7 weeks – with 8th week for test
COST:  $237 
DESCRIPTION:  Developed by the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, the Canine Life and Social Skills classes are geared to develop real-life skills with your dog in a progressive fashion.   The first of three progressive classes, in the Bachelor level dogs will work on skills such as: waiting for their food bowl, attention to their owner while walking, waiting politely at the door (no barging through the door!), settle, and will advance existing skills with leave-it, meeting strangers, and giving up objects.
EARN:  Your dog can earn their Bachelor’s degree!
Information on Canine Life and Social Skills:

NEW CLASS BEGINS:    February 23, 2025 – Sundays at 3:00pm   <—- class dates:  February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6, 14


Sign Up for “Bachelor’s”


FOR:  Dogs who have completed Bachelor Level C.L.A.S.S.
PREREQUISITES:    Successful completion of Bachelor Level, or permission of instructor after evaluation.  Veterinarian paperwork showing that negative fecal, Rabies, and DHPP(Distemper/Parvo/Para) are up-to-date.  Kennel Cough (Bordetella vaccination) not required, if given, must be given AT LEAST 10 days prior to group class. 
LENGTH:  7 weeks – with 8th week for test
COST:  $247
DESCRIPTION:  Developed by the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, the Canine Life and Social Skills classes are geared to develop real-life skills with your dog in a progressive fashion.   The second of three progressive classes, in the Master level introduces ever-increasing distractions for your dog.  In this class dogs will work on skills such as: waiting in an open car to be released, walking with and by unknown dogs, come when called past other dogs, polite walking in distracting environments, focus in distracting environments.  This class goes beyond polite manners and begins your dog’s “dealing with the world” education.  This class will involve field trips.
EARN:  Your dog can earn their Master’s degree!

NEW CLASS BEGINS:  Winter 2025

Sign Up for “Master’s”


FOR:  Dogs who have completed Master Level C.L.A.S.S.
PREREQUISITE:    Successful completion of Master Level, or permission of instructor after evaluation.  Veterinarian paperwork showing that negative fecal, Rabies, and DHPP(Distemper/Parvo/Para) are up-to-date must be provided.  Kennel Cough (Bordetella vaccination) not required, if given,  must be given AT LEAST 10 days prior to group class. 
LENGTH:  7 weeks with 8th week for test
COST:  $237
DESCRIPTION:  Developed by the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, the Canine Life and Social Skills classes are geared to develop real-life skills with your dog in a progressive fashion.   The third of three progressive classes, in the PhD level goes even further with ever-increasing distractions for your dog.  In this class dogs will build upon skills needed to be out-and-about in your exciting world: meeting “different/distracting” strangers, politely behaving while you have a meal with friends, following commands in non-traditional situations, obeying their Pet Parent even when their Pet Parent is focused on something other than the good dog.
EARN:  Your dog can earn their PhD degree!


Sign Up for “PhD”


FOR:  Dogs who react to other dogs (and, just perhaps, embarrass their owners!).  Instructor permission required to register.
PREREQUISITE:    Reactive-to-Rover questionnaire filled out.  Veterinarian paperwork showing that negative fecal, Rabies, and DHPP (Distemper/Parvo/Para) are up-to-date.  Kennel Cough (Bordetella vaccination) not required, if given, must be given AT LEAST 10 days prior to group class. 
LENGTH:  8 weeks
COST:  $680
LOCATION:  Weeks 1-5 will be held at Salty Claws facility.  Weeks 6-8 will be held in different locations, and will probably be Saturday mornings, however we will, as a class, choose day and time.
DESCRIPTION:  This class is limited to 5 dogs, maximum.  Extensive concentration on impulse control, focus, and management techniques.  Classroom work, homework, exercises, and eventually taking our new-found skills on-the-road.

NEW CLASS BEGINS:  Spring 2025 

Sign Up for “Reactive-to-Rover”

Canine Good Citizen

FOR:  Dogs who have taken Bachelor (or Master) level C.L.A.S.S., or by permission of instructor
PREREQUISITE:    Veterinarian paperwork showing that negative fecal, Rabies, and DHPP(Distemper/Parvo/Para) are up-to-date.  Kennel Cough (Bordetella vaccination) not required, if given, must be given AT LEAST 10 days prior to group class. 
LENGTH:  5 weeks
COST:  $217 for 5 weeks (test given on week #5)
DESCRIPTION:  This class focuses on the 10 behaviors required to pass the AKC’s CGC test.
EARN:  You dog can earn the AKC CGC award!  Paperwork is available if you want this to be Title, to list after your dog’s name.
Information on CGC:

NEW CLASS BEGINS:  Winter 2025 

Sign Up for “Canine Good Citizen”

Community Canine – Advanced Canine Good Citizen

FOR:  Dogs who have taken PhD level C.L.A.S.S., or by permission of instructor
PREREQUISITES:    Dogs taking this class must already have achieved their CGC. Must have an AKC number of one of 3 types (AKC registration number, PAL number, or AKC Canine Partners number). All dogs, including mixed breeds, can get an AKC number. Veterinarian paperwork showing that negative fecal, Rabies, and DHPP(Distemper/Parvo/Para) are up-to-date.  Kennel Cough (Bordetella vaccination) not required, if given, must be given AT LEAST 10 days prior to group class. 
LENGTH:  5 weeks
COST:  $247 for 5 weeks (test given on week #5)
DESCRIPTION:  This class focuses on the 10 behaviors required to pass the AKC’s CGCA test.
EARN:  You dog can earn the AKC CGCA award!  Paperwork is available if you want this to be Title, to list after your dog’s name.
Information on CGCA: 

NEW CLASS BEGINS:  Spring 2025

NEW URBAN CANINE CLASS BEGINS:  Fall 2024.    Permission of instructor required to register.  

Sign Up for “Community Canine”

TRICKS – Novice – Intermediate – Advanced – Performer levels

FOR:  Dogs and puppies from 8 weeks to senior citizens of the dog world.  All breeds/mixes.
PREREQUISITES:    Veterinarian paperwork showing that negative fecal, Rabies, Kennel Cough (Bordetella vaccination must be given AT LEAST 10 days prior to group class), and DHPP(Distemper/Parvo/Para) are up-to-date.
LENGTH:  7 weeks
COST:  $237 
DESCRIPTION:  Teaching Tricks is a great way for your dog to improve his attention to his Pet Parents!  Each week is a unique session teaching a different trick(s) each week.
EARN:  Your dog can earn an AKC Tricks Title. Information on AKC Tricks Titles :


NEW CLASS BEGINS:  NOVICE TRICKS – December 1, 2024 – Sundays at 3:00pm   <—- class dates: December 8, 15, 22, January 12, 26, February 2, 9


Sign Up for “Tricks”

Puppy Bowl 2025!  – 

DATE: DUE TO SNOWSTORM:  Rescheduled to February 16, 2025 – Sunday at 12:00 NOON

HOW LONG?:  This event will last an hour. 

COST:  $20.00  non-refundable

SAFETY:  A BRAND NEW toy will be provided for your good dog to keep them safe for this game.

REQUIRED:  Proof of up-to-date inoculations AND clean fecal required.

Sign Up for “Puppy Bowl 2025”

* If a class has reached capacity please contact for admission to an upcoming (as yet unpublished on website) class of that type.